
Showing posts from July, 2023

Potala Palace: The Sole Ornament of the World

The Potala Palace is undoubtedly a must-visit travel destination in Tibet. This magnificent architectural wonder stands tall on the Marpo Ri Hill (Red-hill) in Lhasa, showcasing the rich cultural and historical heritage of Tibet. With its stunning white and red exterior, intricate artwork, and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, the Potala Palace is a sight to behold. Inside, visitors can explore the many chapels, prayer halls, and living quarters, immersing themselves in the spiritual ambiance. The palace also houses precious artifacts, including ancient scriptures, thangkas, and statues, providing a glimpse into Tibet's religious and artistic traditions. A visit to the Potala Palace is an unforgettable experience that captures the essence of Tibet's unique cultural identity. To learn more about the Potala Palace: Visit Us on All our tours are designed to take you to visit the Potala P

Traveling to Tibet in 2023?

Traveling to Tibet in 2023? Traveling to Tibet in 2023 will be a unique and rewarding experience. Here are some things to consider when planning your trip to Tibet from the Tibet Nature Tour Agency . 1. Entry permits:  Tibet requires a special entry permit for foreign travelers , and you must be part of an organized tour group to obtain it. Apply for the permit well in advance through a travel agency. 2. Altitude sickness:  Tibet is known for its high altitude, with an average elevation of 4,3000 meters. It's important to acclimate properly to avoid altitude sickness. Give yourself a few days in Lhasa to adjust before heading to higher regions. 3. Best time to visit:  The best time to visit Tibet is from April to October when the weather is relatively mild. However, be prepared for temperature fluctuations, as it can get cold even in the summer months. 4. Cultural sites:  Tibet is home to many significant Buddhist monasteries and temples. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Jokhang Templ

How To Get To Tibet?

 How To Get To Tibet? When planning a trip to Tibet, one of the greatest challenges that travelers have is how to get to Tibet from their homes. Because many travelers cannot find additional information in that section.  Foreigners can only enter Tibet through two points. One is from Nepal and the other is from any city in Mainland China. With those two points in mind, Tibet Nature Tour Agency will go into a bit more detail on how to plan your travel to Tibet.  A Picture Taken from Kumbum Stupa, Gyantse By Air: You can fly to Lhasa Gonggar Airport, which is Tibet's primary airport. The flights are available from major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Guangzhou. An International Flight connects Kathmandu, Nepal, to Lhasa.  By Train: There are trains to Lhasa from major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu. All these trains are coming through Xining. Therefore, Xining is the ideal city from where you can take the train to Lhasa. The Train ride to Lhasa is often